by Tariq Issa | Monday, 28 January 2019
Vanderbilt Student Leadership Award PURPOSE The purpose of the Vanderbilt Student Leadership Award is to both invest in and nurture the potential of students with demonstrated need. Award winners would ideally be students who are already leaders in some capacity but...
by Tariq Issa | Saturday, 26 January 2019
CONSOLIDATED PRE-MED RESOURCES PURPOSE Nearly 30% of students come into Vanderbilt interested in entering healthcare and more specifically, the medical field. By the time students graduate, only about 160-180 each year do end up applying to medical school. While so...
by Tariq Issa | Saturday, 26 January 2019
NYTimes & WSJ Access PURPOSE The purpose of the Vanderbilt Student Leadership Award is to provide equitable access to the news for all students and provide online resource cess to all Vanderbilt students and faculty members to supplement the education and...
by Tariq Issa | Saturday, 26 January 2019
FEAST PURPOSE The purpose of FEAST is to bring together faculty and students with hope that students will use this opportunity to establish lasting relationships with faculty members they might not have developed in the classroom. Breaking the ice over lunch might...
by Robert Travis | Wednesday, 28 March 2018
COMMUNAL LEARNING REPOSITORY PURPOSE The purpose of the Communal Learning Repository is to create a legitimate and fair resource which students can utilize to practice for assessments in a large number of courses, it makes sense to create a repository of these...
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