The Campus Life Committee is extremely excited to announce that a FREE menstrual products program is underway across campus! Dispensers have been installed across campus in women’s, men’s, and gender-neutral restrooms.
Dispenser Map
Click here to see a map of dispenser locations! To see dispensers near you, click the crosshair button on the top left.
Dispenser Table
View the locations of the free menstrual product dispensers in the table below! For easy access, use the search bar to find a specific building or restroom type.
Building | Floor | Room | Description |
Rand/Sarratt | 2 | 200L4 | Female Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 2 | 200L6 | Male Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 2 | 200L7 | Female Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 3 | 300L8 | Female Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 1 | 100L4 | Female Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 2 | 200L1 | Female Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 2 | 200L2 | Male Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 3 | 300L3 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 3 | 300L4 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Rand/Sarratt | 3 | 300L5 | Female Restroom |
Commons Center | 1 | 101L1 | Female Restroom |
Commons Center | 1 | 101L2 | Male Restroom |
Commons Center | 2 | 238 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Commons Center | 2 | 243 | Female Restroom |
Commons Center | 3 | 311 | Female Restroom |
Buttrick | Basement | 9 | Female Restroom |
Buttrick | Basement | 29 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Buttrick | 1 | 111 | Female Restroom |
Buttrick | 2 | 211 | Female Restroom |
Buttrick | 3 | 311 | Female Restroom |
Featheringill | 1 | 123 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Featheringill | 1 | 100L2 | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 2 | 200LB | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 2 | 200LC | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 7 | 700LB | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 8 | 800LB | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 4 | 400LB | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 4 | 413H | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Central Library | 5 | 500LB | Female Restroom |
Central Library | 6 | 600LB | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Math | 1 | 102 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Stevenson Math | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Stevenson Math | 3 | 321 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Math | 5 | 519A | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Stevenson Library | 2 | 226A | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Lecture | 2 | 211 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Science & Engineering | 2 | 217 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Science & Engineering | 7 | 715 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Physics | 2 | 202 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Physics | 3 | 318 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Physics | 6 | 636 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Chemistry | 5 | 500L2 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Chemistry | 9 | 900L2 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Molecular Biology | 3 | 316 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Molecular Biology | 4 | 416 | Female Restroom |
Stevenson Molecular Biology | 5 | 516 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Stevenson Molecular Biology | 7 | 705 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 123 | Female Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 133 | Female Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 141 | Female Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 145 | Female Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 122C | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 106 | Female Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 122A | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 1 | 122E | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
The Rec Center (DWSRWC) | 2 | 214 | Female Restroom |
Multicultural Community Space (MCS) | 1 | 113 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Blair | 1 | 1100L2 | Female Restroom |
Blair | 1 | 1100L4 | Female Restroom |
Blair | 2 | 2100L2 | Female Restroom |
Law School | Basement | 00L2 | Female Restroom |
Law School | Basement | 044/045 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Law School | 2 | 200L2 | Female Restroom |
Law School | 3 | 300L4 | Female Restroom |
Mayborn | 1 | 119 | Female Restroom |
Mayborn | 1 | 113 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Mayborn | 1 | 114 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Mayborn | 1 | 109 | Female Restroom |
Alumni Hall | Basement | 11 | Female Restroom |
Alumni Hall | 1 | 102 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Cohen | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Cohen | 1 | 138 | Female Restroom |
Wyatt Center | Basement | 031A | Female Restroom |
Wyatt Center | 2 | 202A | Female Restroom |
Wyatt Center | 2 | 220A | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Payne | Basement | 3 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Payne | Basement | 015A | Female Restroom |
Hobbs | 1 | 110 | Female Restroom |
Hobbs | 1 | 108B | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
E. Bronson Ingram (EBI) Studio Arts | 1 | 144 | Female Restroom |
E. Bronson Ingram (EBI) Studio Arts | 3 | 344 | Female Restroom |
Cole | 1 | 113 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Cole | 2 | 210 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Tolman | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
McGill | 1 | 105 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Divinity | Basement | G11 | Female Restroom |
Divinity | Basement | G18 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Divinity | 1 | 130 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Divinity | 1 | 132 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Divinity | 1 | 134 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Admissions | 2 | 225A | Female Restroom |
Admissions | 3 | 329A | Female Restroom |
North | 1 | 122 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
North | 2 | 226 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
West | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
West | 1 | 105 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
East | 2 | 220 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Memorial | 1 | 108 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Memorial | 2 | 219 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Gillette | 1 | 121 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Gillette | 1 | 123 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Sutherland | 1 | 107 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Crawford | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Crawford | 2 | 204 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Hank Ingram | 1 | 112 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Hank Ingram | 1 | 114 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Hank Ingram | 2 | 205 | Female Restroom |
Stambaugh | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Stambaugh | 1 | 105 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Murray | 1 | 103 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Murray | 2 | 202 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
E. Bronson Ingram (EBI) | Basement | 22 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
E. Bronson Ingram (EBI) | 1 | 1007 | Female Restroom |
E. Bronson Ingram (EBI) | 1 | 1008 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Zeppos | Basement | 122 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Zeppos | 1 | 1202 | Female Restroom |
Zeppos | 1 | 1203 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Rothschild | L1 | 406 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Rothschild | 1 | 1081 | Female Restroom |
Rothschild | 1 | 1082 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Rothschild | L2 | 24 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Kissam Center | 1 | C103 | Female Restroom |
Kissam Center | 2 | C214 | Female Restroom |
Lewis | Basement | 016E | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Lewis | 1 | 107E | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Morgan | Basement | 8 | Female Restroom |
Morgan | 1 | 105 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Branscomb - Lupton | 1 | 113 | Female Restroom |
Branscomb - Lupton | 1 | 102A | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Branscomb - Munchie Mart | 1 | 108 | Female Restroom |
Bishop Johnson BCC | 1 | 112 | Male Restroom |
Bishop Johnson BCC | 1 | 113 | Female Restroom |
Community Event Space (CES) | Basement | 7 | Female Restroom |
Community Event Space (CES) | 1 | 107 | Female Restroom |
Wilson Hall | Basement | 59 | Female Restroom |
Wilson Hall | 1 | 116 | Female Restroom |
Wilson Hall | 4 | 408 | Female Restroom |
Peabody Library | 1 | 102 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Peabody Library | 3 | 310B | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Seigenthaler Center | 1 | 161 | Female Restroom |
Seigenthaler Center | 2 | 237 | Female Restroom |
Eskind | Basement | 7 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Eskind | Basement | 8 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Eskind | 1 | 101 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Eskind | 1 | 103 | Female Restroom |
Eskind | 1 | 104 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Student Life Center (SLC) | Basement | 5 | Female Restroom |
Student Life Center (SLC) | 1 | 130 | Female Restroom |
Student Life Center (SLC) | 1 | 133 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Engineering Science Building (Wondry) | 1 | 100L1 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Engineering Science Building (Wondry) | 1 | 100L2 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
Engineering Science Building (Wondry) | 3 | 300L1 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 1 | U1214 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 3 | V3101 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 4 | V4101 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 5 | V5101 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 6 | V6101 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 7 | V7101 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 8 | V8101 | Female Restroom |
MRBIII/Learned Lab | 9 | V9101 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 1 | 149 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 1 | 152 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 2 | 243 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 2 | 229 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 3 | 381 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 3 | 321 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 4 | 427 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 5 | 527 | Female Restroom |
School of Nursing | 1 | 119 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
School of Nursing | 5 | 531 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
School of Nursing | 6 | 610 | Gender-Neutral Restroom |
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