The Vanderbilt Student Government (VSG) represents the interests of Vanderbilt undergraduates to university administrators, faculty, staff, and others in the Nashville and Tennessee communities.
OUR goal is to empower students to pursue their passions and feel at home in their college environment.
In addition to lobbying administrators on the issues that matter most to students, the Vanderbilt Student government . . .
provides a wide range of student services
hosts a variety of events to enrich undergraduate life on campus
partners with student organizations and university departments
. . . to sponsor unique programs that SERVE THE STUDENT BODY AS A WHOLE.

We are committed to preserving and honoring Vanderbilt’s rich history while fostering new traditions.
We are dedicated to engaging and supporting an increasingly diverse undergraduate community.
We are devoted to ensuring that all Vanderbilt students have equal opportunities to pursue a fulfilling undergraduate experience.
We will be ethical, responsible and trustworthy student representatives who seek to reflect the Vanderbilt Honor Code in all of our actions.
We will be passionate and effective student leaders who work to accomplish the goals of Vanderbilt Student Government.