- Assist with VSG activities regarding the University Registrar and Enrollment Management System (EMS), Course Evaluation System, and Course Management System (CMS)
- Work with undergraduate schools in communicating academic policies, procedures, and regulations to the undergraduate community
- Assist with VSG activities relating to Global Education Office (GEO) and Vanderbilt Study Abroad opportunities
- Work with the Undergraduate Honor Council and appropriate University administrators in promoting academic integrity
- Facilitate a process by which student concerns and grievances can be represented to the proper administrators, department heads, and faculty
- Assist with all efforts relating to Immersion and the Office of Immersion Resources
- Assist with VSG efforts in providing graduate school exam preparation and test facilitation on campus
- Manage the GAP Fund
- Graduate and Professional Fund
- Text Book Drive
- Grade Database
- Brightspace for Test Prep
- Next Steps partnership
- AXLE review
Sanjana Veerapaneni, Ishaan Gadiyar, Izzy Feng, Amy Zhao, Raney Yang, Ansley Walker, Kyle Vallone, Margaret (Sophia) Fox, Kevin Gehl, Connie Kang, Ramneek Kanwar, Anureet Kanwar