Spring Awakening
Spring Awakening
April 4, 5, and 6, 2013 • Sarratt Cinema
Spring Awakening, the alt-rock musical based on Frank Wedekind’s groundbreaking 1891 play, set a new high watermark for VOB as a group. Set in a small German town at the turn of the 20th century, Spring Awakening lays bare the frustration, angst, and sexual awakening of its adolescent characters with a modern edge.
VOB’s production of Spring Awakening was more than a show; it was a phenomenon. The production shattered attendance records, earned citywide social media buzz, and won critical acclaim from The Vanderbilt Hustler, faculty members, and students alike. Spring Awakening won multiple awards at the Vanderbilt Performing Arts Council’s 2013 ENCORE Awards, winning Best Female Vocal (Annie Bloemer ’15), Best Dramatic Male Performance (Hayes Helsper ’16), Best Stage Manager (Dory Hunt ’14), Best Director (Graham Goenne ’13), and Best Show.