Show Reviews
“There is absolutely not a weak link in the entire production. I won’t single out anyone or anything because, in the end, this was an ensemble effort and the ensemble was working at full tilt…as someone who saw the show in New York and for whom it is a favorite, I could not have been more impressed with what is the result of incredibly hard work, focus, and collaboration. You have every reason to be very proud. Seeing musical theater on this level in a student generated production convinces me that the genre is alive and well and in very good hands. Thank you for that, and thank you for a superb performance of a difficult show.”
“All who performed in Grease were outstanding, and to watch them was a treat. It was as good as watching any top Broadway musical.”
“The Drowsy Chaperone was smart, well-paced, and clever. The set and most of the staging were on an unprecedented level. VOB has come a long, long way in the last four years.”
“Despite the difficulty of putting on such a show, VOB exceeded expectations, producing one of Vanderbilt’s strongest theatrical productions of the year.”
“From Rani’s spot on reading of “as you should be” to Annie’s deep and disturbing “The Dark I Know Well”; from Jonathan’s moving and silent graveside grief to everyone’s show-stopping “Totally Fucked,” the show was full of memorable moments. All of you had one or shared one with the company. You were a superb ensemble … and the show’s success belongs to each and every one of you. I couldn’t have been happier or prouder of you.”
“Although there was question regarding whether college kids could successfully portray such heavy and controversial topics in a professional manner before their peers, VOB’s production of “Spring Awakening” was simply magnificent. The cast kept the integrity of the script and rose to the challenge of performing the difficult harmonies and edgy score of the musical.”
“I consider myself a standing ovation purist and on several occasions have been the lone audience member planted firmly in my seat while the crowd gives an unwarranted gesture of appreciation. Tonight, as the lights were coming up for the curtain call of Spring Awakening, I was already rising out of my chair to acknowledge the downright stellar work of art I had just witnessed. Every aspect of the performance, including acting, singing, dancing, music, lighting, sound, costumes, and props was nearly perfect. I found myself on the brink of tears during (Moritz’s) funeral and giddy with energy during “Totally Fu—ed,” a range of induced emotions usually reserved for professional theater. It would be a gross understatement for me to say that I am proud of everyone who was involved in this incredible production, but I do want to thank you all for taking me on such a powerful journey tonight. Performances like the one I witnessed this evening are one of the purest sources of joy for many people, and I am certainly feeling that joy as I write. VOB has reached a new pinnacle with this show and I, as everyone in this organization ought to be, am beyond honored to be part of this family.”
“Wow. Wow. Spring Awakening was a stunning, powerful show. I got goosebumps from my legs up to the back of my head, I laughed, tears filled my eyes, and the music was amazing. These actors are so talented. I was immediately attached to the characters and they pulled on my heart-strings throughout the entire show. At the end, I sat in my chair speechless. All I could think was: Wow.”