Kya Lin, Class of 2023

Being first-generation means not having anyone in my family truly understanding what I’m experiencing and having to work through a lot of the emotional, academic, and mental struggles without my parents. On the flip side though, apart from the downsides, being first-generation means being able to start that college path for the rest of my family. It means that I can demonstrate my strength and perseverance to those that will follow in my footsteps and show that it’s possible to go through college successfully.

I have become a lot more aware of my first-generation identity and how that has influenced my time at Vanderbilt. I feel as I have been given this opportunity to do more than what my parents did and make their sacrifices and hard work, well worth it.

My Posse mentors have been an extremely helpful ally to me. My mentors have been able to give me insight and advice on navigating college in a way that my parents haven’t been able to. I think as a first-generation student, I’ve gotten sucked into a mentality of constantly having to strive and work for more, to be and do better. My mentors have helped me recognize when I need a break and recognize and be proud of the achievements I have already accomplished during my time at Vanderbilt.