Global Day of Jewish Learning

Think Globally. Learn Locally. Theme: Creating Together Date: Sunday, November 17, 2013 Location: Akiva School Registration required (see link below for “tickets”, but event is...

Sip N’ Strokes with Seniors!

Join your fellow Seniors at Sip n’ Strokes as part of Hillel’s Jewish Awareness Month, Across the Jewniverse. We will be sipping on wine (byob) and painting a guitar....

The History of Anti-Semitism in Germany

In March 1900, in the West-Prussian town of Konitz, the dismembered body of a young man was found. When police failed to identify a clear suspect for the murder, rumors began to circulate that this had been a case of ritual murder perpetrated by local Jews. Over the...

Lunch Discussion with United Against a Nuclear Iran

Join Dores For Israel and Vanderbilt Hillel for a lunchtime conversation with the Outreach Director from United Against a Nuclear Iran. In light of the recent speeches by Presidents Obama and Rouhani at the UN, and the kickstart of new diplomatic negotiations...

Simchat Torah with Hillel

IT’S THE END. We’ve reached the end of the Torah, and now it’s time to party! Come join Hillel in celebration of the renewal of the Torah cycle! We have been invited to celebrate Simchat Torah with the Nashville Jewish Community. We will visit West...

Sukkah Decorating on Commons!

Yes, it’s already another Holiday! Come help decorate the Sukkah on the Commons and celebrate Sukkot with our Lulav and Etrog! Foods and Drinks will be provided!...