Welcome Back Shabbat 8/22

Vanderbilt Hillel welcomed the Class of 2018 and returning students for an incredibly successful Opening Shabbat. With nearly 200 students in attendance, both undergraduate and graduate students gathered to catch up after a summer apart, and to celebrate the...

Way Late Play Date!

Come join us to drink and hang out at the Adventure Science Center for the Way Late Play Date! We will see a show at the...


Hillel’s freshman board and Hillel’s undergraduate executive board are spending some quality time at a retreat at...

Thanksgivukkah Shabbat!

It’s the last Shabbat of the semester! And this time we are giving you the proper, belated Thanksgivukkah Shabbat meal you deserve before finals. What to expect: Thanksgiving Hanukkah CHanukah Candles Turkeys Dreidels Come join us for Reform and Conservative...

Katniss in the Sky with Diamonds!

Come watch the Hunger Games 2, Catching Fire before it hits theaters! Join Nashville BBYO and Vanderbilt Hillel for a pre-screening as part of Hillel’s Jewish Awareness Month, Across the Jewniverse! Tickets will be covered by Hillel, but spaces are limited!...