为了对刚刚踏入那村的中国同胞们表示欢迎,我们VUCSSA一如往年,举办了Barbecue Party。虽说名字里有着Barbecue,但是由于不忍心让大家在炎炎烈日下被烟熏的睁不开眼睛,我们还是决定为大家准备好了现成的食物与水果,在草坪上野餐:我们有接地气的Pizza和烤肉,有深受大家欢迎的烤鸡翅,还有各种各样的汽水饮料,当然也少不了夏日必备的冰镇西瓜啦~ (说着口水都要流出来了呢!)
With the sun shining and the birds singing, VUCSSA successfully held one of our biggest events of the year—the BBQ party!! To show all the new students our warm welcoming, (even the nice weather cooperates with us) VUCSSA prepared pizza, beef, chicken wings, juices and all kinds of food to host the BBQ party.
拿到食物后,新生和老生们都开始了热切的交谈,互相了解。大家一边开心的享受食物,一边听老生们为新生们解答各种各样的问题 <( ̄ˇ ̄)/ 也许是被灿烂的阳光所感染,大家都显得格外热情高涨。
Everyone was super enthusiastic about the food and started some nice, long conversations with each other. Returning students patiently answered new students’ questions about food, fun places in Nashville, courses in Vanderbilt and future events of VUCSSA. And that’s how our bonding began.
Also, we want to send our special thanks to all the volunteers who came that day for helping everyone preparing for food, warming up the atmosphere and for keeping their beautiful smiley faces all day!
为了让坐在不同桌子的同学们都可以互相认识,我们还玩了一个中国经典饭后小游戏:击鼓传花。在音乐声中,全部人都围成了一个大圆圈,并都激动地扔着我们可爱的米妮来避免接受“惩罚”:做自我介绍并且表演一个节目。有的同学为我们献唱很符合纳村文化的country music,有同学站在椅子上卖萌,更有同学在大冒险挑战与我们的主席以及万老板一起摆sexy pose。游戏结束后,活动最初的尴尬与羞涩已经完全不去踪影,也真心希望本次活动可以让各位新生感受到老生的热切欢迎,可以把我们纳村当着自己的家,把我们VUCSSA当做可以随时给大家提供帮助的中国人大伐木累 o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
To let everyone get to know each other better, we also played a traditional Chinese ice-breaker game: passing the doll. We first formed a big circle and passed the doll Minnie as the music went on. Whoever had Minnie as music stopped had to come into the middle of our circle and accept a small “punishment”. That is, people who lost the game needed to give a brief introduction of themselves and then a little performance for everyone else.
Everyone is having fun (我们的歌王出境了)
Everyone were super cooperative (Thank you guys so much!) and gave a lot of interesting performances such as singing, dancing or making cute face on the chair lol. As the game finished, VUCSS’s goal was achieved—everyone made some new friends as he/she left and everyone has experienced the big warm welcoming of VUCSSA family!
最后祝大家开学快乐,不管是新生老生都可以在新学期顺顺利利,交好多好多的朋友,取得自己想要的成绩!!不管上学多苦多累都可以不要害怕,一直保持笑容,because the big family of VUCSSA will always be there for you!❤
Last but not least, all the members of VUCSSA send our best wishes to everyone. Hope all of you can have a wonderful year and make Nashville your home!