High Holidays 2021
Join Hillel for the 5782 High Holidays
YOU are BACK and so are High Holidays. More information will be coming soon and links will be updated as we get closer to the start of the academic year.
We need YOUR HELP. Join us as a leader and support your Jewish community. Blow shofar, read English prayers, or take-on Torah reading. We have soemthing for everyone. Contact LilyFish, at lilyfish.gomberg@vanderbilt.edu, for more information about holidays or to sign up to lead.
Tentative Schedule:
Rosh Hashanah
- 9/6, 6:00 PM – Erev Rosh Hashanah Service (at Hillel)
- 9/6, 7:00 PM – Rosh Hashanah Seders and Dinner Night 1 (at SLC) *
- 9/7, 10:30 AM – Rosh Hashanah Conservative Morning Service (at SLC)
- 9/7, 10:45 AM – Rosh Hashanah Reform Morning Service (at Hillel) ^
- 9/7, 12:45 PM – Rosh Hashanah Lunch (at Hillel) *
- 9/7, 1:30 PM – Tashlich (meet at Hillel to walk to Centennial Park) #
- 9/7, 4:00 PM – High Holiday Liturgy 101 (TBD) #
- 9/7, 6:00 PM – Rosh Hashanah Evening Service (at Hillel)
- 9/7, 7:00 PM – Rosh Hashanah Seders and Dinner Night 2 (at SLC) *
- 9/8, 10:30 AM – Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Morning Service (at Hillel)
- 9/8, 12:00 PM – Rosh Hashanah Lunch (at Hillel) * ^
- 9/8, 2:00 PM – New Year, Same Me (at Hillel) #
^ OOPS! This time was wrong on some of our advertisements! Please note the revised time.
Yom Kippur
- 9/15, 5:30 PM – Pre-Fast Meal (at SLC) *
- 9/15, 6:30 PM – Kol Nidre Service (at SLC)
- 9/15, 7:30 PM – Night Walk (Meet at Hillel) #
- 9/16, 10:45 AM – Yom Kippur Conservative Service (at SLC) ^
- 9/16, 10:45 AM – Yom Kippur Reform Service (at Hillel) ^
- 9/16, 1:00 PM – Israeli Games with Leetal (at Hillel) #
- 9/16, 2:00 PM – Challah for Hunger (at Hillel) #
- 9/16, 3:30 PM – Text Study with Rabbi Israel (at Hillel) #
- 9/16, 5:00 PM – Wellness Program (at Hillel) #
- 9/16, 6:00 PM – Ne’ilah (at SLC)
- 9/16, 7:00 PM – Break the Fast (at SLC) *
^ OOPS! This time was wrong on some of our advertisements! Please note the revised time.
Services On-Demand ^
- 9/7, 9:35 AM – Rosh Hashanah (at Sarratt 189)
- 9/7, 12:45 PM – Rosh Hashanah (at Commons Center)
- 9/7, 3:55 PM – Rosh Hashanah (at Sarratt 189)
- 9/16, 9:10 AM – Yom Kippur (at Sarratt 189)
- 9/16, 12:40 PM – Yom Kippur (at Commons Center)
- 9/16, 3:00 PM – Yom Kippur (at Sarratt 189)
^ Hillel’s On-Demand Services are abbreviated services in convenient locations across campus
# Jewish Learning Program
* RSVP for Meals – Click HERE.
Rosh Hashanah Seders, Holiday Meals, and Yom Kippur Pre-Fast and Break the Fast
Sign up for EVERYTHING in one places. Click HERE.
Looking for a Virtual Experience?
Experience our YouTube virtual service from last year. Student led services, wisdom, and reflections are just a click away. Listen or watch the entire service or just pick and choose parts off our playlist.