Everyone has their own personal vision of Hanukkah. Some view it as a celebration of the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabean Revolt. Some view it as a commemoration of the Miracle of the Oil that should have lasted for only one day in the Ne’er Tamid (eternal flame) of the Temple but lasted for eight days, long enough to produce and consecrate new oil. Some see it as a reason to watch the Rugrats Hanukkah special, eat latkes and jelly doughnuts and spin the dreidel.
In the spirit of these diverse Hanukkah observances, Vanderbilt Hillel offers a multitude of opportunities for its community to experience the holiday. All week you can stop by the Hillel to spin the dreidl, eat some gelt, and light the menorah!
Past Hanukkah events have included candy menorah decorating, Hanukkasino, and our annual Chrismukkah party, co-sponsored by Vanderbilt NAVS.