Did You Know These Facts About Your Brain?

Did You Know These Facts About Your Brain?

Blogger: Derek Lee| Editor: Monica(Yumeng) Shen “The human brain now holds the key to our future. “David Suzuki The brain is one of the most important organs in our bodies. The brain is what allows us to make decisions, think about ideas, and store...

Octopus🐙 vs. Squid🦑

Squids and octopi are two of the smartest marine organisms in the abysmal sea. They are cousin species in the group Cephalopoda (pronunciation: seh·fuh·laa·puh·duh; meaning: “head foot”). However, some distinctive features can help differentiate the...
Who is your Nth great-grandpa?

Who is your Nth great-grandpa?

Editors/DesignersYumeng Shen Who was your Nth great-grandpa? You probably will say “monkey.”  When a monkey in the zoo stares at you perkily, you start to wonder if millions of years ago, we lived in a “monkey see, monkey do” world. Then you notice the monkey’s...
Why Can Sharks Glow in the Dark?

Why Can Sharks Glow in the Dark?

Editor/ Designer (Original author: Riley Chu)Yumeng Shen Sharks are known to be one of the fiercest predators in the ocean, exhibiting swimming speeds of up to 31 mph and having rows of razor-sharp teeth. On top of all of their scary features, some sharks can actually...