MLC Date Party
The Multicultural Leadership Council invites you to come out for a celebration of teamwork and bringing the semester to a close! Bring your favorite teammate or your whole squad and join us for a fan-filled night of music and dancing! The theme is set to potentially change every year.

The MLC’s capstone event and cultural festival designed to bring together all of the cultures represented by the MLC for an afternoon of performances, food, and other social activities. The event is Vanderbilt’s largest event to experience the vibrancy of the school’s diversity. This years theme was Mosaic: designed to bring together pieces of all colors into one unified work, much like the individual students of Vanderbilt comprise the diversity of the University.

MLC Semiformal
The Multicultural Leadership Council invites you to spend your Friday night with us. Come dressed in semiformal black and white attire and celebrate the beginning of the spring semester. We provide guests with music, hor d’oeuvres, and a night to remember. This event typically takes place in January.