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Virtual Learning: Honor Tips for Students

Tips for Maintaining the Honor Code in a Virtual Learning Environment

There are unique challenges and opportunities for learning in a virtual environment. To assist students in transitioning to virtual learning while still holding the strongest adherence to the Honor Code, here are some recommended practices that students can take.

  • Remember, the Honor Code applies in all courses, including those that involve, in whole or in part, online learning.
  • Review the Honor System Chapter of the Student Handbook (Chapter 2) before the semester begins to familiarize yourself with the Honor Code expectations.
  • Avoid assumptions! Read the course syllabus. If uncertainties remain, ask your instructor. In a virtual learning environment, clarity on what is expected or allowed will be integral in being successful in maintaining your commitment to the Honor Code.
  • Ask your professor before collaborating on an assignment or seeking assistance in the course.
  • Be mindful of and diligently follow quiz/test remote proctoring instructions. While you may not be in a supervised testing environment, the expectation to complete your work individually remains and should be strictly followed. Communicating with other students during quizzes or tests would likely violate the Honor Code in most classes and permission to do so would need to be clearly granted by the faculty in order to be permitted.
  • Clarify the expectations for citations with your professor and adhere to correctly referencing sources in all coursework. When unsure whether or not to cite a phrase or fact, always cite. University librarians are great citation resources and the Writing Studio may be able to assist you with academic writing style. Remember, even when using University resources, the onus for making sure all sources are attributed and no plagiarism has occurred lies with the student.
  • Always ask your professor before reviewing tests administered for the same course in a previous semester or accessing a test bank.
  • Remain informed on the University’s Return to Campus Plan for updates for all University operations, including virtual learning.
  • Take advantage of the permitted use of technology to video chat with classmates. Virtual learning does not have to feel isolating. Remember you have a community of peers having similar experiences.
  • Treat virtual learning as a serious academic obligation. Go to live sessions as if class is being held in-person and review all posted materials to keep up with coursework.
  • Avoid procrastination. Compromising decisions to break the Honor Code often happen when a lack of preparation creates a perceived emergency for students, giving them a temptation to violate the Honor Code. By adhering to your academic schedule and keeping up with coursework virtually as you go, there will be less urgency before large assignments or exams.
  • Report alleged violations of the Honor Code using the Undergraduate Honor Code Incident Reporting Form. The Honor System at Vanderbilt believes in a system of self-regulation and encourages students be active in ensuring the Honor Code is upheld.
  • Take care of yourself! Virtual learning may be an adjustment but remember that you have the entire Vanderbilt community rooting for your success. Take advantage of academic support services offered around the University or through your college/school. Partner with your faculty to make sure you have a plan for success in the course. Remember that University resources like the Office of Student Care Coordination and the University Counseling Center continue to operate even in this virtual environment. If you need support from the Student Care Network, complete an intake form with the Office of Student Care Coordination.