On November 7th, 2015, the team raced in the Head of the Hooch Regatta in Chattanooga, Tennessee! Competition was fierce and all of our crews rowed hard over two days of events. Here are the results:

Vanderbilt Rowing Varsity Women’s 8+.
Head of the Hooch Results:
Varsity Women’s 8+: 16th
Varsity Women’s 4+: 6th and 24th
Varsity Women’s 2-: 16th and 19th
Novice Women’s 8+: 37th
Varsity Men’s 4+: 9th and 38th
Varsity Men’s 8+: 16th
Varsity Men’s 2-: 14th and 18th
Novice Men’s 8+: 28th
Image credit to HHrowingpictures.
Full results can be found here.
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