To round out our fall season, Vandy competed in the Head of the Charles Regatta and the Head of the Hooch and then closed out the season with a scrimmage in Cincinnati. Since then, we’ve hit the ergs hard and are now in the middle of our intensive winter training season. Each January for the first workout after winter break, Vanderbilt Rowing holds an intrasquad competition in which the rowers row continuously for one hour, trying to cover the most meters possible. In the past, the rowers have bet shirts against coaches, betting that they could beat their coach’s distance; however, this year each rower bet a shirt against the seniors on their squad. The seniors’ meters were averaged, and any rower that beat their average could select a shirt of the seniors’ to take from them. For every rower the seniors beat, though, they won that rower’s shirt. On the women’s side congrats to varsity oarsman Katie Chrisman and novice rower Yuna Pyun, who beat seniors Whitney Sterling and Elisa Marks, and took home some new shirts! Also a big congrats to the senior women who took home many of their teammates’ shirts. On the men’s side, not only did Mike Levin beat the seniors and win a shirt, but he also set the men’s Hour record, beating previous coaches as well. A big congrats to Mike Levin and also to seniors Michael Zhou and Joe Craver who took home many shirts! Stay tuned this winter for results of our annual Commodore 500 and later on for the results of winter Olympiad. Also be sure to check out our updated spring racing schedule!
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